ED - Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Online

Online treatment of Erectile Dysfunction (ED) by American board certified physicians.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Treatments

Erectile dysfunction – it’s a common problem and the first thing you need to understand is that you are not alone. Just the thought of it can cause many men to balk, but most men will experience some form of erectile dysfunction at some point in their life, which is why it’s so important to understand what it is and perhaps even more importantly, how it can be properly treated. Yes, there are online ED treatment options available online by WebDoctors, allowing men who are dealing with erectile dysfunction to overcome this issue and go on to lead healthy and happy sex lives.


Men who have erectile dysfunction can receive erectile dysfunction treatment online to help them get and sustain erections, allowing them to once again participate in healthy sexual relationships. If you are having an issue with erectile dysfunction, you have the option to receive a Viagra & Cialis prescription online. Physicians at webdoctors.com can help you get back to the way you were before, without the anxiety that comes with being unable to produce an erection.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

• Anxiety, stress, and fatigue
• Alcohol and drug addiction
• Age
• Diabetes
• Heart disease and narrowing of the blood vessels is a common cause of erectile dysfunction
• High blood pressure and high blood sugar. High cholesterol can also contribute to problems with erectile dysfunction
• Individuals with certain disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis, may find it difficult to achieve an erection with their disease.
• Many individuals suffering from hormonal deficiencies or thyroid conditions may also find they have problems with erectile dysfunction.
• Any individual who has suffered an injury to the pelvis or the lower spinal cord may also experience erectile dysfunction symptoms of not being able to get or sustain an erection.
• Obesity and heavy smoking
• Prescription medications can also be at fault when it comes to ED, including many drugs for high blood pressure, many diuretics, some heart medications, drugs that act on the central nervous system like sleeping pills, anxiety treatments, antidepressants (including SSRIs and MAOIs), opioids, some cancer drugs, drugs for prostate care and some hormones.
Erectile dysfunction should not be ignored, as it can be an early warning sign of a serious underlying problem.

The Best Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

An online doctor visit can be done on your phone or computer from the privacy and comfort of your home and we send the ED prescription to your pharmacy directly.
WebDoctors provides FDA approved ED medications such as Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra. We will also prescribe money-saving generic medications wherever possible. We also encourage you to use discount coupons from SingleCare.com.

Why Choose WebDoctors Instead of Other Online Providers?

• Talk to a board-certified physician in less than 1 hour.
• Instant consultation, same-day prescription pickup at your local pharmacy.
• No automatic monthly subscription fee. Only pay per visit.
• You do not have to wait for the medication to arrive in the mail, and worrying who will end up receiving the medication. It could be your son or your daughter or anybody else.

Frequently Asked about ED treatment

You don't need a physical office visit to your doctor to get ED medication prescribed. WebDoctors ED treatment is strictly online or over the phone. After speaking with a physician, we send an electronic prescription to the pharmacy of your choice.

Understanding and addressing the underlying causes (listed above) can significantly improve what is most likely causing your erectile dysfunction (ED). Of course, there are various medications that can be prescribed when natural remedies don't completely solve your ED.

The medications mentioned previously; Sildenafil (Viagra) and Tadalafil (Cialis) are the fastest way to overcome ED and achieve and maintain an erection. However, it is strongly recommended that you look for and identify the root cause of your ED which typically is related to stress, medical conditions, or specific lifestyle factors.