Yeast Infection Treatments Online

By board certified, American trained primary care physicians.

Get Your Yeast Infection Treated Online

Candidiasis, also known as vaginal yeast infections, is a common condition that occurs when the balance of bacteria and yeast cells in the vagina changes. As the yeast cells multiply, it causes itching, swelling and irritation. While sometimes, symptoms can be treated within a few days, it can take up to two weeks in some severe cases. Vaginal yeast infections are not considered a sexually transmitted infection, but sexual contact can spread them. However, women who are not sexually active may also get them.



There are standard symptoms associated with vaginal yeast infections, including vaginal itching, swelling around the vaginal region, a burning sensation during urination or sex, pain during sex, rash, redness or soreness. Vaginal discharge is also a common symptom, often having a cottage cheese appearance. Occasionally, the discharge may be watery as well.
The more time you go without treating your yeast infection, the worse your symptoms become.


Candida is a naturally occurring microorganism in the vaginal region, while lactobacillus bacteria helps keep the growth of this bacteria in check. When there is an imbalance between the two, it results in too much yeast, triggering the symptoms of a yeast infection.
Factors that may cause this imbalance in hormones include certain antibiotics, pregnancy, a weak immune system, stress, a lack of sleep, poor eating habits, a hormonal imbalance near your menstrual cycle, a lack of sleep, or uncontrolled diabetes.

Avoiding Vaginal Yeast Infections

There are simple measures that you can take to reduce your risk of developing a yeast infection. Make sure to eat a well-balanced diet and replace feminine products often. Natural fibers such as cotton, linen or silk can help reduce your risk as well. Avoid wearing tight pants and don’t sit around in wet clothes such as bathing suits. Once you are able to recognize your own risk factors, avoiding yeast infections becomes easier.

Diagnosis & Treatment

During your virtual doctor appointment, your doctor will ask you about your medical history and whether or not you have had yeast infections in the past. Once you have gotten a yeast infection one time, you are more likely to get one again.
Every yeast infection is different, so your online doctor will help determine the course of action that is best based on the symptoms that you are experiencing. If the medication does not work, make sure to follow up with your virtual doctor.